Posts Tagged ‘ Palm Beach Denitst ’

Sleep Apnea

Through our involvement with sleep apnea public awareness discussions, we’ve met various sleep apnea sufferers. After communicating the sleep health information, we have found that individual responses can be quite different. Some people appreciate and embrace the information. Others are overtaken by fear. The panic-stricken group typically quickly identifies with many of the symptoms, such […]

Sleeping for Sanity

Sleeping for Sanity Source: Summarized from an article by By Morgan Jones Recent studies have shown that many Americans are finding it harder and harder to get a decent amount of sleep. Why? Studies have pointed to physical issues, (obstructive sleep apnea), and mental health issues, (stress and depression). It’s been proven that losing weight […]

Linking Sleep Apnea to Sexual Dysfunction…

There’s been a lot of hype recently over the release of a new medical study, linking sleep apnea and erectile dysfunction and/or decreased sexual performance. In this study conducted at the Walter Reed Military National Medical Center in Bethesda, ninety-two men with an average age of 46 were observed. All of the members of the […]

Second Hand Snoring / Sleep Stealing

Did you know sleeping with a snorer can take a toll on YOUR health and wellness? People sleeping next to loved ones that snore have also reported excessive day-time sleepiness and fatigue, along with their snoring partners. Research now shows that in relationships, both individuals feel the effects of snoring, doubling the importance of treatment. A study conducted by the Mayo […]

Patient review by Lisa…

I needed extensive and complex dental work done.  The feedback from other dental professionals was doom and gloom.  I went to see Dr. Abdo fearing the worst.  What A positive response I received From Dr. Abdo and his staff!  They are the best! I had implants and dentures.  The pain factor was zero.  He is […]

Are You Afraid To Visit The Dentist?

Q: I am a “dental chicken” – can’t get myself to go to the dentist to fix the major dental problems I have, is this normal?  Numerous children and adults have a fear of visiting the dentist. Many individuals equate dental visits with pain, discomfort, hefty bills, and other negative associations.  According to studies conducted […]

Patient Testimonial.

  Dr. Abdo and his staff are truly one of the greats.  They’re professional, understanding and make   every visit comfortable.  I would recommend him to anyone who appreciated the best in   dentistry and Prosthodontics.   Sandy Shepard