Archive for the ‘ Sleep Apnea ’ Category

Why Do We Need Sleep?

New Research Development We have always known that attaining quality sleep is an important aspect of our lives and is critical to being able to properly function the next day. However, the science behind why we sleep is not as clearly understood. Researchers believe they may have found new information behind why we sleep. The […]

8 Factors That Increase the Risk of Sleep Apnea

Every day we gain new information indicating the aftereffect of untreated sleep apnea. The list ranges from diabetes and heart issues to the connection with cancer and even behavioral issues in children.  This ongoing stream of data and research has provoked us to find a list of factors that increase the risk of sleep apnea, […]

Sleep Apnea

Through our involvement with sleep apnea public awareness discussions, we’ve met various sleep apnea sufferers. After communicating the sleep health information, we have found that individual responses can be quite different. Some people appreciate and embrace the information. Others are overtaken by fear. The panic-stricken group typically quickly identifies with many of the symptoms, such […]

Through the Eyes of a Child

Question: What do sleep disorders, craniofacial pain, child growth and development, chronic inflammation, academic and work performance, snoring, high blood pressure, Type II diabetes, and cardiovascular disease all have in common? Answer: An AIRWAY Problem! What if we could address a potential problem early in life rather than spend years and resources treating a much […]

Apnea Steals Sleep From the Restless

Summarized from an article by Stephanie M. Hill The dream had been the same for as long as he could remember. Bryan Lapuyade would swallow something and choke. He’d awaken with a start, but the sensation remained – he could barely breathe. When the time came to go to work, Lapuyade would get out of bed, […]