Archive for December, 2011
Just Received another Patient Testimonial…
I was aware that I had serious dental problems and feared the worst, but Dr Abdo put me at ease with his genuine concern, expertise, and obvious commitment to provide the finest care. He listened to my fears and wishes; together we developed a plan which has restored my smile and ended the discomfort caused […]
Are You Afraid To Visit The Dentist?
Q: I am a “dental chicken” – can’t get myself to go to the dentist to fix the major dental problems I have, is this normal? Numerous children and adults have a fear of visiting the dentist. Many individuals equate dental visits with pain, discomfort, hefty bills, and other negative associations. According to studies conducted […]
Favorite Quotes!
“Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.” Henry Ford “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.” John Ruskin “It is the quality of our work which will please God and not the quantity.” Mahatma Gandhi “The quality, not the longevity, of one’s life […]
Do You Get A $1000 Gift Each Year From Your Rich Uncle?
Question: I’m not really aware of how my dental benefits work, could I be wasting money at the end of the year? Answer: If you have dental “insurance”, think of it as your rich uncle giving you up to $1000 each year to spend towards your dental care. The truth is, dental benefits are […]